Italy - Fifth SYM Forum in Central Italy: networking with the world

02 May 2017

(ANS - Genoa) -the Salesian Community of Sampierdarena in Genoa hosted the Fifth Forum of the Salesian Youth Movement of Central Italy (ICC) from Saturday 29 April to Monday 1 May. The participants were more than 1,500 young people from about fifty works of the Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) from 7 regions. Among those in attendance were Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, and the Defence Minister, Roberta Pinotti.

On the Saturday, after the welcome and introductory greetings, Cardinal Bagnasco spoke. He invited young people to leave no room for disengagement, quoting Claudel as saying that the life of a young person is "not made for pleasure but for heroism." On the topic of immigration and integration - the themes of the forum - he said that we are faced by a planetary phenomenon, before which the Christian is called to wonder whether Christianity is a reality to be suffered or a message from God, that frees us from self-centredness.

These thoughts were echoed by Minister Pinotti, who first referred to her youthful past at Sampierdarena, as Scout and Oratorian. She then underlined the importance of developing a European idea of ​​solidarity and urged the young people to combine respect for civil and social rules with respect for their own conscience and beliefs.

On Sunday, there was time for visits to some significant places in the city that tell stories of migration: the Old Port, the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, the Galata Museum ... and for spirituality, with Mass celebrated by Cardinal Bagnasco, and the Salesian "Good Night" given by Bishop Niccolò Anselmi, auxiliary bishop of Genoa, who came after the concert by "The Sun".

The final day was devoted to listening to three Salesian missionaries. Fr. Mauro Mergola, who works in Turin for migrants and street oratories; Carlos De Oliveira Soma, educator in a Salesian Family Home in Rome; and Sr Bernarda Santa Maria, FMA, who has worked for 20 years in Bolivia. These are three different ways of being missionaries, to "entice the young people to be missionaries in their daily lives," as Fr Daniele Merlini, Delegate for Youth Ministry of the ICC, explained.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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