A Connected Life - Mystical Christianity for Today
In evidenza

18 Luglio 2017

“There is, in all of us, a homing device that calls us to our deepest centre, the core of our being, what we call the soul. It is not easy to define the word soul; in fact it is impossible but there are times in our lives when we feel the need to connect with this spiritual centre of our being. This is what I am trying to describe in this short book” (Fr Michael J. Cunningham).

I am not an original thinker but I have tried, however inadequately, to point to some of the exciting writers who are exploring this territory. What is commonly agreed is that there is a profound experience of connection at the core of our being. This has always been the case but today we are experiencing a revolution in human experience. We live in a period of time when global connection is a fact as well as a dream. We are connected electronically, economically and politically. If we neglect the deepest connection at the level of our souls – that we are one with God, one with others, and one with creation – our technical connections alone will not satisfy our deepest longings and hunger.

Don Bosco Publications, 120 pages

Further Information


ANS - "Agenzia iNfo Salesiana" - è un periodico plurisettimanale telematico, organo di comunicazione della Congregazione Salesiana, iscritto al Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Roma, n. 153/2007.

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