Ecuador – IV Meeting of Achuar Young Leaders
Wasakentsa, Ecuador - August 2021 - In the community of Wasakentsa, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon, about 100 young people and 12 Etserin (Animators of the Word), coming from different communities, gathered for the IV Meeting of Achuar Young Leaders, which took place from 29 July to 1 August. They were four days full of fraternity and communion, in which the formative ideas, curated by the Salesian Youth Movement of Ecuador, explored the theme of the Rector Major's Strenna 2021, "Moved by Hope".
- Ecuador – "Yankuam Jintia" football schools: a "goal" kicked in the educational and evangelising mission for the Achuar people
- Ecuador – SYM Youth – Path pavers of Hope
- Ecuador - Departure ceremony of young missionary volunteers
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- Ecuador – Provincial Spiritual Exercises 2021
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- Ecuador – Salesian missionaries among the Shuar
- Ecuador – Achuar youth reflect on Strenna 2020: "Good Christians, Upright Citizens"
- Ecuador – Salesian Polytechnic University awarded for its humanitarian efforts during national strike
- Ecuador – A Salesian house as venue for Peace Talks between National Government and indigenous organizations
- Ecuador – Fr Jaime Chela: "As a Church we must accompany our indigenous brothers"
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- Ecuador - Shuar Youth Congress: Jesus and Don Bosco live in hearts of young people
- Ecuador - Indigenous Students graduate from the Salesian Polytechnic University