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Italy – Civil Service with Salesians, 67 projects restart: 753 volunteers return to community service

21 April 2020

(ANS - Rome) - "Salesians for Social APS" has reactivated 67 projects of the Universal Civil Service which had been suspended due to the COVID-19 health crisis; thus, about 80% of the total activities have resumed; 753 voluntary operators (78% of the total) have re-started their activities in 198 project locations (62% of the total).

Among these volunteers are also those who, initially, had chosen to carry out their civil service abroad: having to return to Italy for the health emergency, they still wanted to continue by converting their activities in Italy. Their peculiar choice was also underlined by Vincenzo Spadafora, Minister of Youth Policies and Sports.

There were also circumstances where reactivation was not possible (75 locations for 27 projects). These are young people who have suspended their service at the moment, but work is underway to reactivate the projects as soon as possible.

The activities that the operators will carry out will – in part - change: in some cases it will take place “remotely” (290 volunteers), therefore directly from their home; in other cases, the volunteer works at the project's original site or in another place thanks to agreements or twinnings (88 operators) with local bodies and organizations engaged in the fight against the health emergency (Caritas, Dioceses, parishes in the area, public bodies, non-profit organization).

These are the activities in which the volunteers resuming service will be involved:
• support to municipalities and/or municipal operating centers: 11 volunteers in 4 locations
• support for the elderly and frail subjects: 82 volunteers in 29 locations
• social assistance: 72 volunteers in 19 locations
• support to the school system: 230 volunteers in 48 locations
• support for foreigners: 20 volunteers in 6 locations
• digital literacy: 14 volunteers in 2 locations
• institutional communication activities: 6 volunteers in 4 locations
• creation of educational or cultural projects: 186 volunteers in 58 locations
• flow management at accessible places: 5 volunteers in 2 locations
• light welfare: 24 volunteers in 5 locations
• support for food solidarity activities: 74 volunteers in 17 locations
• donation management: 29 volunteers in 4 locations

“We are satisfied with the restarting of the Universal Civil Service projects,” says Fr Roberto Dal Molin, president of Salesians for the Social APS, “because we strongly believe in the educative values of this experience which acquire greater strength in a moment of social emergency like this. Our young know the value of their activities well and have made themselves available for the good of all, primarily for a service to our country. We are sure that they will be of great help in the places where the Universal Civil Service will start again with that energy and enthusiasm typical of young people,” concludes Fr Dal Molin.

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