Don Bosco’s Pedagogy: 12 Key Words

11 décembre 2020
There is no translation available.

The Salesian of Don Bosco Publications Malta have published the English translation of the French Salesian Father Jean Marie Petitclerc on “Don Bosco’s Pedagogy through an exposition of 12 key words”. Based on his reflection, Fr. Jean Marie Petitclerc, shares with us thirty years of experiences with young people in difficulty. Rooted in this practice-based evidence, backed up with theoretical sources, his deliberations focus on twelve essential keywords, inspired by Don Bosco, the educator from Turin.

Always keeping in mind, the welfare of the young and the formation of a coherent educational relationship, Jean Marie Petitclerc, with his clear, practical and stimulating words, presents an invaluable work for educators or parents who seek to best support young people in their learning processes throughout life.

Experience shows us that the educational relationship, lived and bestowed upon us by Don Bosco, has proven itself for more than 150 years and remains effective today.

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