Salesian Sources (Fonti Salesiane)
In evidenza

27 Ottobre 2017

Finally 3 years after the release of the original Italian version during the General Chapter 27 in Rome, the "SALESIAN SOURCES" (Fonti Salesiane) book is released also in English version by Kristu Jyoti Publication in Bangalore, India (South Asia Region). The selection of Don Bosco writings was compiled by Fr. Francesco Motto, Fr. José Manuel Prellezo and Fr. Aldo Giraudo (UPS Rome).

This volume brings together the most important writings of Don Bosco on the origin and development of the Salesian Congregation, the Salesian method of working with the young, and Salesian spirituality.

The Writings of Don Bosco on:

  • the beginnings and development of his work (history)
  • education and schooling (pedagogy)
  • spiritual life (spirituality)

Translated from “Fonti salesiane” Italian original, it has been prepared under the auspices of the “Istituto Storico Salesiano” (ISS). After the Spanish and Portuguese translation finally comes the English version, translated in 2014 by Fr. J.B.F., SDB, available on the Boscolink since 2014 and edited by the Kristu Jyoti Publications, Bangalore, India.

Kristu Joyti Publications, 1568 pages.

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