Christian Leadership in Education (Second Edition)

28 kwiecień 2017
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Following the success of the first edition, this second edition has been updated and also includes an additional full chapter reflecting on the 'Prevent' strategy and the importance of recognising what is healthy and what is not in religious practice.   Contact us direct for further infomation and for bulk orders.

Since its first publication in 2007, 'Christian Leadership in Education' has been well-received by those involved in education and youth work. Part of the reason may lie in the way that the book integrates Christianity with professional practice, tracing a spiritual thread in the vagaries of planning and building teams while recognising the spiritual patterns unfolding in ordinary events. Over the last decade, the need for this integrated approach has become more marked, and the pace of life in education has accelerated significantly.

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ANS - “Agencja iNfo Salezjańska” - jest periodykiem wielotygodniowym telematycznym, organem komunikacji Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego, zapisanym w Rejestrze Trybunału Rzymskiego pod nr 153/2007.

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