The Heart of Educating India. Don Bosco System of Education in Dialogue with 21st Century Educators

05 março 2019
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In this book much has been analysed regarding the present educational scenario in India; has explored the alternative systems of education in India; sought to revitalize Don Bosco’s system of education and tried to possibly evolve orientations and strategies to enhance the present system of education in India.

“Education is the art of building people into wise persons. Wisdom can be defined as LOVING INTELLIGENCE. It is not merely intelligence, or just blind loving. Intelligence and love can be compared to matter and form. It is the combination of the two that makes a person wise, mature or educated” (Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga, Regional Councillor of the Salesians of Don Bosco-South Asia)

The book is published by All India Don Bosco Education Society and Edited by Dr. Maria Charles Antonysamy.


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