Great Britain – Holiness is for you too! Saints in Action at the Bosco Group

17 abril 2019
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(ANS – Bootle) – Imagine “Savio Salesian College” students talking about the weird case of St. Peter, considering the motivation of merciful Mother Teresa or discovering that Don Bosco’s dream is still happening. It’s been a long time since the Bosco Group started weekly reflection as a part of the “Faith in Action” curriculum.

by Br Lukasz Wojcik, SDB

Hazel, from our Chaplaincy team, in the beginning of the school year, gathered quite a few volunteers to take part in “Faith in Action”, a well-known annual Catholic Youth Programme. Each Wednesday the whole group meets in the “Bosco Room” for a reflection on the life of another Saint which is being delivered by a Salesian. Every week the Bosco Group goes over one saint with a fine-tooth comb.

After a few minutes of introduction, two or three stories, a short film, and then a 3…2…1…discussion, participants try to find out how to interpret these interesting stories into their own life practice and answer some questions.

What is extra-ordinary in this particular Saint? Was he a strange creature from a fairy-tale or a normal human being with a good dose of grace? And the most important one: how to follow his/her example? Their answers and ideas are really inspiring. 

Everything was started by a reflection on holiness based on the Apostolic Exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate” of Pope Francis and this year’s message from Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, the Salesian Rector Major. They both shout at the top of their voices that sanctity is possible for everybody. The Savio Salesian College students were astonished at discovering that holiness isn’t to be perfect, but to realise God’s dream for their life.

Even if it seems to be so far from reality, it is still possible. Holiness is for you too! 

Source: Salesians UK


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