Italy - Spiritual Exercises ADMA Families 2018

08 Agosto 2018

Pracharbon, Italy - Again this year, the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) Primary of Turin proposes the experience of the Spiritual Exercises for families. Around 500 people take part in the exercises located in Pracharbon, Valle d'Aosta, in various shifts, from 29 July to 18 August. It is a complete 360° family experience in which everyone has the opportunity to participate actively: parents have time to pray and meditate, while their children are involved in games and activities, with the oldest acting in the role of animators, and the smaller ones the beneficiaries. These exercises, which see consecrated and lay collaborators involved, are an interesting example of communion within the Salesian Family.



ANS - "Agenzia iNfo Salesiana" - è un periodico plurisettimanale telematico, organo di comunicazione della Congregazione Salesiana, iscritto al Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Roma, n. 153/2007.

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