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Poland - Meeting of Krakow Province Directors and parish priests

19 March 2018

Krakow, Poland - March 2017 - On 14-15 March, the meeting of the directors and parish priests of the Salesian Province of Krakow (PLS) took place. The first day began with prayer, a discussion of the Rector Major's Strenna 2018 curated by Fr Adam Parszywka, PLS Provincial, and the presentation of the Rector Major's letter following the last Extraordinary Visitation. The conference "Dialogues on Education" followed, a reflection on the history, mission and identity of the Salesian "Łosiówka" center (the Salesian seminary in Krakow); a talk by PLS Provincial Vicar Fr Marcin Kaznowski on formation; the Eucharist presided by the Provincial PLS; prayer; a workshop on accompaniment; a review of commitments and responsible management, led by Mrs Weronika Griszel; and the intervention of the Provincial Economer, Fr. Gabriel Stawowy. The second day began with words by the heads of the various sectors, who highlighted various events, initiatives undertaken or begun, such as "Savionalia 2018", the International Salesian Youth Games, the new provincial web page and the reopening of the Salesian School for Organists in Przemyśl.

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