(ANS - Baku) – A few hundreds of Catholics, out of 10 million inhabitants: this is all the "small flock" the Salesians in Azerbaijan serve. Yet it is not numbers that determine the quality of a life spent in service to God and neighbour. Fr Vladimir Baxa gives us a testimony.

(ANS – Ulaanbataar) – Cl. Felix Almeida is a young Salesian in Formation originally from India, in the Salesian Mumbai Province. At just 25 years of age, he has already gone missionary ad gentes for one of the Salesian missionary frontiers: Mongolia, a destination he discovered on 29 September in Turin, when he participated in the 150th Salesian Missionary Expedition.

(ANS - Milan) - In his speech to the city of Milan, delivered on the occasion of the celebrations of its patron saint, Archbishop Mario Delpini publicly thanked "all those who dedicate themselves to education, formation, education in schools", and he invited the people of Milan to be "proud" of the education system offered to citizens. The Salesian schools, present for decades in the Ambrosian territory, also contribute to this model of excellence with their specific traits. Fr Paolo Caiani, head of youth ministry in the Lombardy-Emilian Province of Italy (ILE), explains the Salesian educational specialty in detail.

(ANS - Rabat) - The Meeting of reflection and spirituality entitled "Mediterranean, a frontier of peace", promoted by the Italian Episcopal Conference, will take place in Bari from 19 to 23 February 2020. Slightly more than fifty bishops will participate, representing the Bishops' Conferences of the 19 countries bordering the Mediterranean, including Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero, 67-year-old Salesian, archbishop of Rabat, capital of Morocco, among others.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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