Goma, D.R. Congo - October 2022 - On October 1, at the "Don Bosco Ngangi" Youth Center in Goma, the opening Mass of the new school year was celebrated for students from all schools of the Salesian work. About three thousand pupils participated together with their educators in the Eucharist, presided over by Fr. Kizito Thembo, SDB, Head of the young Salesian community in Shasha, and concelebrated by various Salesians.

Brasilia, Brazil - October 2022 - On September 19, a group of Past Pupils of Don Bosco met at the Salesian School in Brasilia, with the aim of re-founding the Past Pupils movement in the Capital of Brazil. The meeting was convened by Past Pupil Eduardo Pessoa Cavalcante, Vice President of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, with the support of the Salesian Delegate for Past Pupils of the Belo Horizonte Province (BBH), and National Delegate, Fr. Ivan Artur Lima de Faria, SDB. Also present were several Past Pupils from Brasilia and Manaus from various Salesian schools, universities, and parishes. At the opening, Cavalcante gave a presentation on the identity, mission, and levels of membership of Don Bosco's Past Pupils. Fr. Ivan Artur Lima de Faria then delved into some aspects of the Preventive System in relation to the Past Pupils and presented the Salesian presence in Brasilia, offering a broad view on possible fields of pastoral action for the Past Pupils. After the invitation to revitalize the movement of the Past Pupils of Brasilia, in communion with the Salesian Family, all present accepted the challenge, deciding on some first concrete steps: implementing monthly meetings for formation purposes, inviting and motivating other Past Pupils for future meetings. At the end of the meeting, Cavalcante thanked everyone for their presence and emphasized that this is the beginning of a journey to be traveled together, in a spirit of synodality and gratitude for the education received.

Kokopo, Papua New Guinea - September 2022 - The Salesians of Don Bosco in Kokopo, East New Britain Province, organized a meeting for the youth of the "Mary Help of Christians" parish of Rapolo on Sept. 23-25 called "Wantok Bosco." The event, coordinated by the Salesian Youth Movement of the Vice-Province of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (PGS), was attended by 306 youths from eight mission stations, as well as the Don Bosco School and the Catholic Institute "St. Peter Chanel." All "Wantok Bosco" activities were centered on the theme "All through Love," inspired by the Rector Major's Strenna 2022.

Turin, Italy - October 2022 - On October 5, in Valdocco, representatives of the Salesians, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and some lay collaborators in the Salesian mission of the Provinces of the Mediterranean Region concluded the seminar on spiritual accompaniment at the service of vocational discernment of young people from 18 to 30 years old. The seminar, entitled "If I have done something good, I owe it to Fr. Cafasso. Accompanying Young People in Life Choices", offered three central papers and three insights into several significant figures of Salesian spirituality. The speakers were Fr. Gustavo Cavagnari, Professor of Pastoral Theology at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome, on the theme, "The traits of an adult identity from a vocational perspective"; Fr. Gaetano Piccolo, a Jesuit and professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University, on the theme, "The dynamics of choice in becoming an adult"; and Fr. Josè Miguel Nunez Moreno, National Delegate for Youth Ministry of Spain, on the theme, "An actualizing charismatic reading." The last day of the seminar was enriched by the Mass presided over by Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, at the Shrine of the Consolata. 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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