Spain – Fr Martoglio: "We must avoid the temptation to dedicate ourselves exclusively to mere administration"

(ANS - Madrid) - Fr Stefano Martoglio, Councilor for the Mediterranean region - one of the seven regions into which the Salesian Congregation is divided - is carrying out the Extraordinary Visitation of the “St James Major” Province of Spain-Madrid (SSM). His attitude in every gathering in the communities he meets in his visits is that of listening. Then he analyzes and offers his perceptions. What happens afterwards "is part of the animation and the ordinary government of every house and of the Provinces themselves," he underlines.

What is an Extraordinary Visitation?

It is the way in which the Rector Major makes himself present, through me (or other councilors, Ed.), in the different Salesian houses ... It is the way he learns about the (local) reality, so as to be able to accompany the confreres of all the communities of the world.

What does this visit mean for the Salesians of Spain?

For the Salesians of both Provinces it is of particular importance, because it is the first after the unification of five years ago. We can no longer speak of old united Provinces, because the present ones have a different face and identity than the previous six Provinces. It is not just a sum; it is something more ... The SSM Province is the one that has the greatest number of Salesians in the Congregation.

How is it possible to innovate the Salesian presence?

In this context, we must design how we can innovate our educational presence to accompany people. All this needs a heart, an outlook of faith, intelligence, courage and wisdom and these things are done step by step and many will be done in the coming years because, as Pope Francis says, we are not going through a time of change; we are experiencing a change of time ...

Who are the actors of this change?

All those who belong to the Educational-Pastoral Communities (CEP) of the Salesian Family, together with my Salesian confreres ... It is very important how the Salesian charism has taken root in this country, and this thanks to the involvement of the laity.

How should we prepare for this change?

Reflection is important in preparing for different times. We need the joint work of all the Educational Communities through formation, collaboration and involvement, and always looking from the point of view of God, to discover what the Lord is telling us in this context. If we do not work this way, we only do administration. It is a temptation that exists in all complex social structures and the Congregation is a complex structure. We must avoid the temptation to be satisfied, and instead use the pastoral synergy that is created between all the people who are part of our works. Everyone is important; we need to know, accompany and walk together.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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