"A Young Adult's Guide to Life"

28 novembre 2023
There is no translation available.

“Il giovane provveduto” was written by Don Bosco in 1847 for young people. It contains his wisdom and the truths of the faith in a way that spoke to the young people of the time and was a phenomenal success. The GBR province updated that publication in the 1960s under the title "The Companion of Youth". This year the British province has produced a completely new edition aimed at a secularised and post Christian population of young people. The book, "A Young Adult's Guide to LIfe" creates a pathway into a friendly Catholic faith starting with the young person's own experience and moving into the mystery of life that is the doorway to faith in Jesus. It includes the wisdom of Don Bosco and the patterns of Christian prayer but does so in a way that embraces the secular and hesitant faith of young people. More background can be found on the Salesian Schools Blog.  We believe that Don Bosco would approve of this little book and give it his blessing because it aims to continue his work of bringing young souls close to Jesus and to the church.

Don Bosco Publications

Fr David O'Malley SDB

Salesian House





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