Monteortone, Italy - September 2022 - At the Salesian house in Monteortone, in the province of Padua, from Sept. 1 to 4, social communication offices and teams from the Salesian Provinces of Italy and the associations "Salesians for Social," Salesian Cooperators, Salesian Youth Clubs and the Federation of Past Pupils, gathered for a training on the Infosphere and the digital. Leading the reflection on the topic of the infosphere began Pietro Del Soldà, philosopher, writer and radio host, who focussed on the need for everyone to have a "down-time", or leisure time to challenge themselves, renew themselves; Lisa Iotti, a journalist from the program "Report," on the other hand, pointed out how much the uninterrupted "buzz" that the digital world constantly generates disturbs and prevents people from finding a space to listen to themselves. She then presented data showing how the problem of digital illiteracy involves a great many young people, a problem that as educators we need to know how to deal with. Closing the formation part was Pietro Jarre, entrepreneur and founder of "Sloweb," who focused on digital ecology. The training moments were alternated with group work to share impressions, and think together about a meeting proposal on the infosphere for Salesian youth ministry.


Daejeon, South Korea - September 2022 - The Provincial Community Day for the Salesians of Don Bosco of South Korea (KOR) was held on September 2 and 3 at the Jeongnim-dong community in the city of Daejeon, where the Korean novitiate is based. More than 100 Salesians attended the event in attendance for the first time in three years, and the gathering was an opportunity to meet, share family spirit and fraternal love. During the first day, participants were able to reflect and dialogue on the theme "Missionary in the Digital Space," sharing some creative ideas on Salesian formation in the digital continent. This was followed by prayer and a "good night" by the Provincial, Fr Timothy Choi. After dinner there was a talk by Fr Moses Yoon, Moderator of the 17th Provincial Chapter, who updated the participants on the situation of the whole Provincial community. Then there was the academy, quiz games and the celebration of the religious vow anniversaries of some Salesians. The second day began with the Eucharist presided over by Fr Choi, after which there was a morning dedicated to sports and games. The Province of South Korea currently consists of 99 Salesians, perpetually professed, 11 temporarily professed Salesians and 6 novices. There are 3 pre-novices and 3 aspirants attending Catholic University and another one military service.

Didia, Tanzania - Sept. 2022 - From Aug. 28 to Sept. 1, more than 280 young people from different Salesian presences in Tanzania and Kenya gathered at the "Don Bosco Didia" center in the Shinyanga region to deepen the message of the Rector Major's Strenna 2022, titled: "Do all through love, nothing through constraint." The event was opened by the Provincial of the Salesian Province of East Africa (AFE), Fr Simon Asira, SDB, together with the FMA Provincial, Sister Agnes Ngosa. Various contributions were given by Salesians and lay people on various topics. The response from the youth was very positive and everyone was happy and pleased. The whole event was organized by the Youth Delegate in Tanzania, Fr Michael Muia, SDB.

Catania, Italy - September 2022 - The usual annual meeting of young Salesians from the Salesian Province of Sicily in initial formation was held from August 30 to September 2 at the Don Bosco Hostel (Playa) in Catania. The Salesians experienced days of fraternity, relaxation and formation with the theme of projectuality at the center, carried out through the "Projectus Workshop," a tool created by Gigi Cotichella and presented by Fr Alberto Anzalone and Fr Dario Spinella. The workshop simulation aimed at planning in the vocational field for the preadolescent group. The third day of the camp was marked by two main moments: the visit of Archbishop Luigi Renna, Archbishop of the Diocese of Catania, who highlighted the importance of the Salesian mission front at a time of serious educational emergency, stressing the importance of "looking for the Bartolomeo Garelli in the oratory"; and the discussion between the Provincial Center's operational group and the young Salesians present. The camp concluded with a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Valverde and the Eucharist presided over by ISI Provincial Fr Giovanni D'Andrea. Conclusion, this one, that reopens to the pastoral activities of the winter that will see engaged, in the fronts of the Salesian mission, the Salesians who experienced moments of fraternity together before leaving again.

Dr. Pierpaolo Galota

Salesian Social Communication Team Sicily



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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