Pakistan - Feast Day of Mary Help of Christians in Lahore

27 May 2021

Lahore, Pakistan - May 2021 - The Salesian community of Lahore celebrated the Feast Day of Mary Help of Christians in the presence of some staff members and students of the house, with the group of Salesian aspirants, and with the representatives of the student and Salesian groups Cooperators. Due to the lockdown, the ceremony took place in a simple but meaningful way with the praying of the Rosary in procession to the place where the Eucharist was celebrated, followed by a moment of recreation and agape. A significant moment was the official announcement of the new Provincial Delegate for Pakistan for the period 2021-2024 appointed by the Rector Major on 21 April: Fr Gabriel Cruz, Mexican missionary. In his 15 years as a Salesian priest and 24 years of Salesian religious life, he was previously Professor and Formator of various Formation Houses and Rector of the interprovincial post-novitiate in Mexico. He specializes in Pedagogy, Philosophy, Theology of Religions and Missiology.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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