Brazil – UniSALESIANO, a wide-ranging cultural study center

05 April 2022

(ANS - Araçatuba) - The Salesian University "UniSALESIANO", belonging to the Province of Brazil-Campo Grande (BCG), is an authoritative academic center well rooted in the territory, which gives shape to its educational commitment and to the community in many ways. In recent days there have been a series of interesting initiatives on many different fronts, of which we provide a brief summary below.

UNISALESIANO's first lectio magistralis of the year was held last March 24 on the theme "Sleep and quality of life: what is the relationship?", addressed by dental surgeon Dr. Antonio Fagnani Filho. His lecture, made in the university church and also followed live by the students in the auditorium of the university, was especially addressed to the hundreds of students of the biomedicine, physical education, infirmary, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nutrition, and psychology courses of the Salesian University Center.

At the opening of the event, the Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Research and Postgraduate Courses at UniSALESIANO, Prof. André Ornellas, took the floor to emphasize the importance of these appointments now: "After the period of the pandemic, without in-person lectures, we resume this great opportunity to be able to promote studies through interventions that are stimulating and of academic interest. Take advantage of this opportunity to open horizons in your field," he advised.

On the morning of March 28, again from the church of the University, Dr. Luana Teixeira Rodrigues Rossi, veterinarian and former student of UniSALESIANO, spoke. The doctor illustrated to the students of veterinary courses the stages and application projects of in vitro production of animal embryos, a sector in which Brazil is the second-largest producer in the world. For his part, the Director-General of UniSALESIANO, Fr Erondi Tamandaré, SDB, observed that these technologies, in the animal field, improve food production qualitatively and quantitatively.

Then, on the evening of March 29, the University Church hosted the Associate Judge of the Labor Court, Dr. Lorival Ferreira dos Santos, one of the managers of the "Safe Work" program at the Regional Labor Court. The speaker presented the topic "Safe Work - Occupational Injuries, Occupational Diseases, and Company Liability" in a lectio magistalis for the students of the UniSALESIANO social area courses: Administration, Accounting, and Law. The speaker then illustrated the importance of the "Safe Work" program, which aims at the formulation and execution of national projects and actions for the prevention of job-related accidents and fostering the national policy for safety and health at work; and after numerous examples of accidents at work and their outcomes, Dr. dos Santos also mentioned the existential damage that can lead to court cases, and which consists of the damage suffered by the employee who sees his or her free time reduced, hindering their family and social relations, or preventing the execution and conclusion of his or her personal plans.

On the evening of March 30, in the auditorium "Pope Francis", the lectio magistralis designed for students of Architecture and Civil Engineering of UniSALESIANO was held, curated by Newton Koeke, Executive Director and owner of the company "Asolar", among the pioneer companies of photovoltaic solar energy in Brazil. "In a didactic way, Mr Koeke explained the differences in solar energy and its compensation systems. It was an enriching evening," said the Coordinator of the courses of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Prof. Giuliano Pincerato.

Finally, on the same evening, the "Comulti" space, i.e., the new Multimedia Complex of the UniSALESIANO, welcomed the students of the Advertising and Communication course, who had come to listen to the presentation of Jonathas Magalhães on the topic "The Challenge of Migration from Offline to Online Media". The speaker, founding partner of the production company "MVP" and Secretary of Social Communication of Araçatuba, presented in detail how offline media works, especially television, and how it integrates with digital media and offered keys to identify the right medium for each client.

Monique Bueno


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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