Italy - More than 500 SYM youth gather at Colle Don Bosco

16 September 2022

Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - September 2022 - On September 10, all the youth of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) who participated in the Animator Camps and the SYM Pilgrimage this summer, gathered at Colle Don Bosco to share a day together before the start of the school year. Accompanied and guided by the animators, the young people took up, divided into age groups, the formative themes addressed during the camp, alternating between moments of reflection, desert and sharing. During the day, full of activities, games, dances, and lunch together, the young people met their friends again and made friends with new people. In the afternoon they participated in the perpetual professions of some Salesians and at the end of the evening, Sister Emma Bergandi, FMA Provincial, addressed a message to them. Fr. Alberto Goia, Delegate for Youth Ministry of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley Special Circumscription (ICP), finally thanked all the animators and organizers of the day: "You didn't know it, but among the 500 and more young people who were enrolled there were some with different physical, psychological or spiritual difficulties... the accompanying people thanked us because none of them felt excluded."



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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