Guatemala - A bicycle caravan in honor of St. Artemide Zatti

11 October 2022

San Benito, Guatemala - October 2022 - More than 100 people of all ages participated in the bicycle caravan in honor of the canonization of Salesian coadjutor St. Artemide Zatti. The bicycle caravan was organized by the Salesian parish of San Benito in Palermo. Participants rode through the main streets of the municipality, starting from the parish to the Candelaria neighborhood, where the medical clinic, a work of the Salesians, named after Artemide Zatti is located. Fr. Miguel Giorgio opened the event with his blessing to the participants. At the end of the caravan, a plaque commemorating St. Artemide Zatti placed in the medical clinic was unveiled. Fr. Francisco Hérnandez, head of the Salesian community, thanked all participants and collaborators who made the event possible. Co-worker Mirian Dubón, who has been serving since the medical dispensary was founded, offered her testimony, "I have long dreamed of this day, when God grants us to have a new saint through Zatti, whom I admire so much and to whom we have dedicated our dispensary, where precisely so many low-income people are treated. I thank God because Zatti is an example of care and mercy toward others for those like us who serve in the dispensary." At the end of the activity, a small snack was distributed and a bicycle was raffled off, remembering the means of transportation Zatti used to reach his patients.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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