Poland – A "stone" to make a mark. Music and evangelization with "None Rhyme" and Muniek Staszczyk

28 April 2023

(ANS - Krakow) - Young, a music lover, eager to educate and evangelize other young people in the style of Don Bosco: this is, in a nutshell, the identikit of Norbert Rosiński, stage name "None Rhyme," a Salesian Theology student at the Salesian Theological Studentate in Krakow and also an author and singer of rap and reggae music. Norbert, almost 29 years old, has already recorded an album of songs and has now just finished producing a new song, in collaboration with a well-known Polish artist, Muniek Staszczyk.

Under the name "None Rhyme," the young Salesian student began his musical adventure in 2019, recording the album "Wynurzenie" (Elevate Yourself), a collection of songs that succeeds making people think about the meaning of life and faith in an indirect and not too explicit fashion. Norbert, in fact, seeks to educate and evangelize through testimonies and music.

He has played at several concerts of the Salesian scene in Poland, such as Camp Bosco in Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, the "Non Stop Bosco" event in Szklary Górne, or "Savionalia," the youth festival of the Salesian circles in Krakow.

In 2022, he recorded with his confrere Dominik Nowak, SDB, the song "Serce Ukrainie" (Heart of Ukraine), which received wide media coverage in Poland and gradually spread around the world. Now he has finished work on his second album "tyRAPja," which features Muniek Staszczyk, co-founder, leader and singer of the "T.Love" crew as a guest on one of the tracks.

The track concerned is titled "Kamień" (Stone) and refers to the scene in the Gospel in which Jesus does not condemn a woman caught in adultery, but invites everyone present to reflect on their own sins. Therefore, the meaning of the song is a similar invitation not to condemn, but to forgive others.

"The song aims to offer a strong dose of positive energy, with a spiritual message, in an accessible form for today's listener," explained young Norbert.

He also tells how the collaboration with Muniek Staszczyk came about. "I met Muniek five years ago, when he offered a testimony at a meeting of the Salesian-inspired Men's Movement "Wojownicy Maryi" (Knights of Mary), near Ląd, on the Warta River, while I was there for my Salesian formation. I asked him for an interview and that is how I got to know him personally. Muniek had inspired me with his work since I was a child. So when I was working on my second album, I got the idea of inviting him to duet on a song. I thought about it for a year and finally wrote to him because I had an email from him from five years earlier, and he immediately liked the idea. The fruit of this collaboration is the song 'Kamień,' a song that moves between reggae and rap."

Before inviting everyone to listen to and share the track, which already has several thousand views on YouTube, just three days after it was posted, Norbert also tells another anecdote: "It was interesting to note that the taxi driver who brought Muniek to the studio for the recording turned out to be himself one of the Knights of Mary... So, there you go, it comes full circle!"

To listen to the track "Kamień" by None Rhyme and Muniek Staszczyk, click here.

To learn more about Norbert aka None Rhyme, visit his social spaces on Facebook and Instagram.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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