France - "e4FMA": Salesian network and young people from five European countries launch "DBIMA", a film school, online, free of charge

22 May 2023

(ANS - Paris) - The code name is a bit mysterious: "e4FMA." But in truth, it is a project of the European "Erasmus+" program that brings together high school students and adults, pedagogy and innovation, experienced professionals, and budding talent, the kind that Don Bosco would surely have liked.

Just a few days ago, in four locations connected simultaneously by videoconference, the result of the first "Erasmus+" cooperation project coordinated by the "Association Maisons Don Bosco" (AMDB), the association of Salesian houses in France, was presented: "e4FMA." This is a project launched in 2019, in conjunction with the creation of the Don Bosco International Campus and on the occasion of the European Salesian meeting in Munich, which led to the collaboration of 10 European partners from five different countries, including several French institutions: the "Lemonnier" Institute in Caen, the "Don Bosco" Lycée in Marseille, the "François-d'Estaing" Lycée in Rodez, and the "Don Bosco International Media Academy" (DBMA) based in Paris. Then, other schools from Hungary, Bulgaria, Britain, and Spain joined them in Paris to carry out this project together.

What is e4FMA? The initial idea was to make everything you need to know about filmmaking and film techniques freely available worldwide through a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course, a teaching course open to everyone and broadcast over the Internet). A course that is accessible to everyone, young and old. And with a title far clearer than the code that identifies it: "Learn Filmmaking for Free with e4FMA's Mooc platform."

But what does the acronym e4FMA stand for? It stands for "e-learning for Film Making Artistically." Specifically, as many as 12 online tutorials have been created, each illustrating key points of filmmaking. All have been translated into five languages: English, French, Spanish, Hungarian, and Bulgarian.

"Script cutting and budget identification; location scouting and test shooting; outdoor audio recording; visual effects and editing; cast selection... It is really an excellent educational tool for discovering the different stages of creating a film, from script writing to post-production," explains the DBIMA team, whose remarkable synergy of talents gave birth to this beautiful Erasmus+ tagged cooperation project.

"This freely accessible platform will facilitate image education and training in the language of film. Don Bosco would undoubtedly have encouraged such a motivating initiative for all," explains Daniel Gouilly, who coordinated the project with Odile Jenvrin, along with Fr. Jean-Noël Charmoille, Delegate of Youth Ministry - Schools Sector, of the "St. Francis de Sales" Province of France and South Belgium.

For more information: - Erasmus+ Project Ka 226 e4FMA: Erasmus+ 2020-1-FR01-KA226-SCH-094943


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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