RMG – "In the circle* of the saints": III Seminar for the promotion of the Causes of Canonisation and Beatification of the Salesian Family

04 September 2023

(ANS – Rome) – The Third Seminar for the Promotion of the Causes of Beatification and Canonisation of the Salesian Family will take place in Turin at the Salesian Mother House from 6 to 10 September. It follows those organised in 2016 and 2018.

One of the most beautiful fruits that has come from Don Bosco is the host of saints and candidates for holiness who have embodied his charism in different ways and conditions. "In fact, while we express a deep and religious sense of gratitude and praise for the holiness already recognised in our Family and in the process of recognition, we are aware that we have received a precious legacy that deserves to be known and valued in its different aspects: liturgical-celebratory, spiritual, pastoral, ecclesial, educational, cultural", Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General of the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family stressed.

The Seminar therefore is an initiative aimed at promoting knowledge, imitation and intercession of these brothers and sisters of the Salesian Family whom the Lord has given as models of life, travel companions and intercessors, as well as to illustrate and explore the dynamics related to how a Cause is actually dealt with, both from a juridical and theological point of view. Specifically: "the Seminar aims to enhance the spiritual, pastoral and educational heritage of holiness that has come from Don Bosco; understand the true meaning and purposes of a Cause of canonisation; offer guidelines and best practices in order to promote the Causes of candidates for canonised holiness in the Salesian Family; help in the ascertainment and accompaniment of proposed miracles."

There are about 80 participants, representing the more than 60 Causes followed by the Postulation. It is an ecclesial event, because the Causes of Beatification and Canonisation are a good of the Church, and at the same time a meeting of the Salesian Family, considering that about half of the 32 groups have at least one Cause in progress.

Hosted in Valdocco, this year the Seminar will allow participants to experience the places of Don Bosco, visit the Casa Museo and its area dedicated to holiness in the Salesian Family, then "go back" in prayer to Colle Don Bosco and visit Mamma Margaret in Capriglio. These are all places that speak of embodied holiness and the real bonds bonds thanks to which so many young people have become saints in Don Bosco's houses: places that teach people how to be weavers of the gospel in their respective houses and communities.

The Seminar Program is available at the bottom of the page – with details of all the interventions and the planned moments – in Italian, English and Spanish.

* Girotondo, in Italian, which is difficult to translate in English. It refers to a rounde dance or perhaps a human chain. We have opted for ‘circle’.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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