RMG – Launching of the Team Visit to EAO

13 February 2024

(ANS – Rome) – After the five appointments already made throughout 2023, the appointments of the Team Visit – an animation tool of the Rector Major and the General Council to verify the ongoing journey in the different Salesian situations, to ensure convergence and unity – have now resumed in February. It will therefore start once more with the Team Visit to East Asia-Oceania (EAO), scheduled in Vietnam from Wednesday 14 to Saturday 17 February 2024.

About 100 Salesians are involved in the event: Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, with the members of his General Council; and the Provincials and Provincial Councils of the Provinces and Vice-Provinces of the Region.

The East Asia-Oceania region includes Salesians and the presences spread across 8 Provinces: Australia (AUL), China (CIN), South Korea (KOR), North Philippines (FIN), South Philippines (FIS), Japan (GIA), Thailand (THA) and Vietnam (VIE); 4 Vice-Provinces: Myanmar (MYM), Indonesia (INA), East Timor (TLS) and Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (PGS). East Asia – Oceania is also the Region with the largest number of Provincial Delegations, as many as five: Cambodia, belonging to THA; Mongolia and North Vietnam, both belonging to VIE; the Pacific, relating to AUL; and Pakistan, dependent on FIS.

At a total numerical level, the East Asia-Oceania Region is home to about 1,420 Salesians, spread across 19 nations (Australia, China, South Korea, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Cambodia, Mongolia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Taiwan, Fiji and Samoa) and the number of novices is the third highest in the Congregation, with about 50.

On an operational level, matters will start on Wednesday 14 February with the morning Eucharist, the first introductory interventions, the greeting of the Rector Major and the report of the Regional Councillor Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, on the programme of the visit, the report and guidelines of the previous Team Visit to the Region, in 2017, and current statistics. After a first session of presentation of the working groups, in the afternoon the contribution of Fr Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of the Rector Major, is expected. He will put three questions to his EAO confreres for subsequent reflection and sharing.

On Thursday, 15 February, the General Councillor for Youth Ministry, Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende, will speak in the morning on the theme of the mission shared with the laity; his talk will be followed by group work and a subsequent moment of discussion between everyonel. In the afternoon, the focus will be on the role of the Salesian Family as an "apostolic movement in the Salesian mission". This will be developed by Fr Joan Lluís Playá, Central Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family, and then further explored in time for personal study, in the discussion in groups and in the assembly.

"Formation to achieve a solid Salesian identity in a fluid world" will instead be the guiding theme of the morning of Friday, February 16, illustrated by the General Councillor for Formation, Fr Ivo Coelho and subsequently explored with the usual methods of comparison. In the afternoon, it will be the turn of the Economer General, Salesian Brother Jean Paul Muller, who will speak on the question of self-sustainability and solidarity. The day will end with an evening of fraternity with performances and representations of the great cultural variety of the Region.

On the last day of work, the two working sessions will include, in the morning, an address by the General Councillor for Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla, concerning the missionary spirit to be cultivated in the Region; and in the afternoon, a report by the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr Gildasio Mendes, on the strengthening of Communication Formation for Salesians in relation to the digital world.

The Team Visit will conclude with the drafting of a roadmap for Salesian life in the EAO Region.

The visit to East Asia-Oceania is the penultimate Team Visit to the 7 Salesian Regions, which began in March 2023 with South Asia and then continued with America South Cone, Interamerica, North Central Europe and the Mediterranean.

Next, from 19 to 24 February, this journey of world animation and accompaniment will end with the Team Visit to the Africa-Madagascar Region, which will take place in Rwanda.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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