France – School exchanges and mobility: the first Salesian Erasmus+ seminar concludes in Lyon

21 February 2024

Lyon, France – February 2024 - The Salesian educational network is often called one of the largest and most relevant in the world, with schools in more than 130 countries and hundreds of thousands of students. In France, this international opening of the network was organised in 2020 through the "Don Bosco International Campus". Within this dynamic, from June 2022, students and staff from 21 institutions in the French network can benefit from "Erasmus+" mobility, with co-financing from the European Union. These facilities are part of the Salesian "Don Bosco Campus on the move" Consortium. Thus, in mid-February, in Lyon, those who initiate and conduct these mobility projects in their schools were able to meet in a seminar to explore the richness and rigour of the framework established by the French agency known as "Erasmus+". Representatives of various French Salesian institutes that are part of the "Don Bosco Campus on the move" were there, as well as representatives of two other Salesian works, which with a total of 1,570 students will join the consortium at the beginning of the next school year. Mobility projects or cooperation projects, group mobility or individual mobility, observation mobility or training mobility... These salient issues were guided by the consortium team, dependent on the "Association Maisons Don Bosco" (AMDB), under the guidance of Fr Jean-Noël Charmoille, SDB, president of the AMDB.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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