Ireland - An educational and formative experience for Don Bosco Ranchibile students

09 October 2018

Dublin, Ireland - September 2018 - The start of lessons for a group of 33 students of the fourth year of the classical and scientific high school of the Don Bosco Salesian Institute "Villa Ranchibile" in Palermo was a special moment, as it took place in Ireland, in Dublin, for a language stage. The Director of the Institute, Fr Domenico Saraniti, SDB, strongly believing in the educational and formative value of this experience, wanted to restart a tradition that had been interrupted for some years. The students, accompanied by the catechist of the three-year period, Fr Arnaldo Riggi, SDB, and Prof. Di Bella, an English teacher, left on September 9th to spend two weeks in the Irish capital, staying with selected families and attending an English language enhancement course for three hours a day. The students had the opportunity to deepen and broaden cultural knowledge, thanks to guided tours to discover Dublin and its surroundings, Belfast and Galway.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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