Colombia - Inaugural celebration for 120 years of Salesian presence in Mosquera

08 September 2022

Mosquera, Colombia - Sept. 6, 2022 - Salesian work in Mosquera kicked off the celebration for 120 years of presence in the region. The event was attended by Fr. Jhon Jairo Gómez Rúa, Superior of the Salesian Province of Bogotá (COB), Fr. Edgar Macías, Provincial Vicar, Fr. Rafael Lasso, Provincial Economer, Fr. Jhon Hernández, Delegate of Youth Ministry and Communication, and the Director of the presence, Ramiro Morales, as well as many members of the Salesian Family. It was a day full of joy and thanksgiving for what has been built over these 120 years, always keeping the young people most in need as protagonists. A rich cultural agenda was organized during the event, with dancing and musical performances and the presentation of the official anniversary image, with the motto "Our History, Our Present, Our Dreams." The three environments that make up the presence were then presented: the formative one, with the "San José" Reservitiate; the ecclesial one, with the "María Auxiliadora" parish, hand in hand with the Diocese of Facatativá, and the groups of the Salesian Family present in the work - Salesian Cooperators, ADMA, FMA, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts and Salesians of Don Bosco, as well as the "Luis Variara" Secular Movement; finally, the school environments, with the "Colegio Salesianos Compartir," the "Colegio Salesiano la Paz" and the "San Jose" Salesian Institute. Present were various civil and police authorities who work side by side with the Salesians in building a better society.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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