Spain – The Museum of "Misiones Salesianas" reopens with the exhibition "Indestructible"

27 October 2021

(ANS - Madrid) - The Museum of “Misiones Salesianas”, the Salesian Mission Office of Madrid, reopens its doors to the world as a cultural, educational and meeting place for the construction of global citizenship and from the perspective of the Salesian charism. The photographic exhibition “Indestructible”, has traveled to more than 15 Spanish cities and has been visited by more than 80,000 people in the last three years. It will remain open from 25 October to 22 January, in the renovated museum space of “Misiones Salesianas”.

The exhibition’s authors, Alfons Rodríguez and Xavier Aldekoa, also took part in the inauguration. They conducted a guided tour of the museum and illustrated stories of hope that thrilled those present.

“It is not a project that speaks of a sweetened Africa. It is an Africa that is as realistic as possible, far from stereotypes,” said Alfons Rodríguez. “We wanted to present an Africa as we understand and perceive it, horizontally, with the life circumstances of the youngest. Like the story of Hawa, the girl who wants to be a photojournalist.” A narrative that makes visible and shows the progress of women's rights in Gambia. “These are the small revolutions that are transform and will radically change the continent,” he quipped.

“In rality, they are Africas, not Africa. It is a look at the future generation of the African continent,” added Xavier Aldekoa.

The photographic exhibition invites us to reflect on the reality of the African continent. Through visual narratives, stories of life and hope are presented, together with the transforming character of their protagonists, the current generation of young people. The approach used, addresses issues such as the emergence of women's social movements, climate change, technological innovation in rural areas, progress in education, and the growth of phenomena such as cyber-activism in the region.

For "Misiones Salesianas", exhibition represents a vindication of art and culture as tools of social transformation. It is an opportunity to discover Africa from a positive point of view, to change the image that is often associated with the continent: yes, there is hunger, violence, poverty ... but there are also many young people, boys and girls who prepare for the future with hope and dignity.

The exhibition is open from 25 October to 22 January. Visiting hours are from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 to 14:00, and Thursday and Friday from 17:00 to 20:00.

This exhibition also reopens the Museum of "Misiones Salesianas" (MMS), a place designed to foster meeting and becoming aware of the world as global citizens, thanks to a very varied collection that contributes to making the cultures of the world. Traditional musical instruments, ritual objects, everyday utensils, handicrafts ... from all corners of the planet. The MMS contains one of the best private ethnographic collections in Madrid with which the Salesians intend to offer a positive knowledge of the places where the Salesians work and to give continuity to Don Bosco's missionary dream which began in 1875.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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